Embryo Pooling

Embryo pooling is a process of combining multiple embryos from various IVF cycles to produce one healthy embryo. This may be done in an effort to increase the chance of pregnancy, or to give parents a choice of which embryo to transfer. Embryo pooling is not the same as “embryo freezing” which is an entirely different process.

Who Needs Embryo Pooling?

Embryo pooling is often used when couples are having difficulty getting pregnant, for example:

Poor Ovarian Reserve:

Women who suffer from less than optimal egg production or poor egg quality may benefit from embryo pooling.

Advanced Maternal Age & Poor Egg Quality:

Women over 35 and with poor egg quality may benefit from embryo pooling to improve the chances of successful pregnancy.

Poor Responder:

Couples who have a poor response to their treatment may benefit from embryo pooling to increase the number of embryos available for transfer.
